Chapter 8 Combining data sets

Handling data is often not limited to single data sets. One common task is to combine two (or more) datasets together. For example, one dataset might include a set of observations from a field study, while another might have information about the weather throughout the study period, or site-specific information. It is therefore useful to be able to combine these datasets to add the information from the second table to the first table.

R does this with the dplyr function join. In the next section you will first learn how join works by following an example that asks a research question that can only be answered by two data sets. After that, you will work on your own to do a similar analysis without explicit instructions (i.e. you will need to figure out how to apply the method to new data.

8.1 Using join

By following this example you will learn how to combine two data sets to create a new one of combined data to answer a conservation-related question: “Does threat status vary with species’ generation times?

This question is crucial to conservation biologists because it helps us to generalise our ideas about what drives extinction risks. In other words, if we can say “species with slow life histories tend to be more threatened” then this gives useful information that can help with planning. For example, imagine we have some species that have not yet been assessed (we don’t know if they are threatened or not). Should we focus attention on the one with a short generation time, or long generation time?

To answer the question we will need to import two large data sets, tidy them up a bit and then combine them for analysis.

Let’s start with the “Amniote Life History Database” 6, which is a good source of life history data. We have encountered this database before. Recall that the missing values (which are normally coded as NA in R) are coded as “-999”. The easiest way to take care of this is to specify this when we import the data using the na.strings argument of the read.csv function. Thus we can import the data like this:

amniote <- read.csv("CourseData/Amniote_Database_Aug_2015.csv",
  na.strings = "-999"

We can filter on the taxonomic class to subset to only mammals. Then, to address our question, we want data on generation time for mammals. Generation time is often measured as the average age at which females reproduce so we can get close to that with female_maturity_d. We will first select these columns, along with genus and species. We can combine these two taxonomic variables using mutate and paste to get our Latin binomial species name.

We have previously learned that log transforming such variables is a good thing to do, so we can use mutate again to do this transformation.

Finally, we can use na.omit to get rid of entries with missing values (which we cannot use). This is not essential, but keeps things more manageable.

mammal <- amniote %>%
  filter(class == "Mammalia") %>%
  # get the mammals only
  select(genus, species, female_maturity_d) %>%
  # get useful columns
  mutate(species = paste(genus, species)) %>%
  select(-genus) %>%
  mutate(logMaturity = log(female_maturity_d)) %>%

Let’s take a quick look at what we have:

##                      species female_maturity_d logMaturity
## 20         Echinops telfairi         278.42000    5.629131
## 22    Hemicentetes nigriceps          48.57000    3.883006
## 23 Hemicentetes semispinosus          46.19892    3.832956
## 27         Microgale dobsoni         669.59200    6.506669
## 40        Microgale talazaci         639.00000    6.459904
## 47           Setifer setosus         198.00000    5.288267

Looks good. Now let’s import the IUCN Red List data.

redlist <- read.csv("CourseData/MammalRedList.csv")

Let’s take a look at that.

##  [1] "Species.ID"                "Kingdom"                  
##  [3] "Phylum"                    "Class"                    
##  [5] "Order"                     "Family"                   
##  [7] "Genus"                     "Species"                  
##  [9] "Authority"                 "Infraspecific.rank"       
## [11] ""        "Infraspecific.authority"  
## [13] "Stock.subpopulation"       "Synonyms"                 
## [15] "Common.names..Eng."        "Common.names..Fre."       
## [17] "Common.names..Spa."        "Red.List.status"          
## [19] "Red.List.criteria"         "Red.List.criteria.version"
## [21] "Year.assessed"             "Population.trend"         
## [23] "Petitioned"
## [1] "DD" "LC" "CR" "NT" "EN" "VU" "EX" "EW"

There’s a lot of information there but what we really need is simply the Latin binomial (for which we need genus and species) and the threat status Red.List.status.

R treats categorical variables (factor variables) as alphabetical, but in this case the red list status has a meaning going from low threat (Least Concern - LC) to Critically Endangered (CR) and even Extinct in the Wild (EX) at the other end of the spectrum. We can define this ordering using mutate with the factor function.

redlist <- redlist %>%
  mutate(species = paste(Genus, Species)) %>%
  select(species, Red.List.status) %>%
  mutate(Red.List.status = factor(Red.List.status,
    levels = c("LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR", "EW", "EX")

##                species Red.List.status
## 1   Abditomys latidens            <NA>
## 2    Abeomelomys sevia              LC
## 3 Abrawayaomys ruschii              LC
## 4   Abrocoma bennettii              LC
## 5 Abrocoma boliviensis              CR
## 6      Abrocoma budini            <NA>

Now we can combine this with the life history data from above using left_join.

x <- left_join(mammal, redlist, by = "species")

Let’s take a look at what we have now:

##                     species female_maturity_d logMaturity Red.List.status
## 1         Echinops telfairi         278.42000    5.629131              LC
## 2    Hemicentetes nigriceps          48.57000    3.883006              LC
## 3 Hemicentetes semispinosus          46.19892    3.832956              LC
## 4         Microgale dobsoni         669.59200    6.506669              LC
## 5        Microgale talazaci         639.00000    6.459904              LC
## 6           Setifer setosus         198.00000    5.288267              LC
##    species          female_maturity_d  logMaturity    Red.List.status
##  Length:2000        Min.   :  23.81   Min.   :3.170   LC     :1219   
##  Class :character   1st Qu.: 121.53   1st Qu.:4.800   VU     : 176   
##  Mode  :character   Median : 344.12   Median :5.841   EN     : 168   
##                     Mean   : 574.92   Mean   :5.745   NT     : 114   
##                     3rd Qu.: 696.38   3rd Qu.:6.546   CR     :  66   
##                     Max.   :6391.56   Max.   :8.763   (Other):  10   
##                                                       NA's   : 247

You can see that there are 247 missing values for the Red List status. These are either species that have not yet been assessed, or maybe where there are mismatches in the species names between the two databases. We will ignore this problem today.

Before plotting, I will also use filter remove species that are extinct (status = “EX” and “EW”). To do this I use the %in% argument to allow me to match a vector of variables. Because I want to NOT match them I negate the match using !.

x <- x %>%
  filter(!Red.List.status %in% c("EX", "EW"))

Let’s now plot the data to answer the question.

plot(x$Red.List.status, x$logMaturity, ylab = "Maturity")

What can we see? If you focus on the median values, it looks like there is a weak positive relationship between this life history trait and threat status: animals with slower life histories tend to be more threatened.

8.2 Using pivot_longer

Sometimes data are not arranged in a way that make them easy to use in R. For example, data could be arranged so that the column headings are themselves data (e.g. treatments, sex of individuals).

To illustrate this I will use a data set on heights of men and women.

heights <- read.csv("CourseData/heights.csv")

Let’s take a look:

##      place heightMale heightFemale
## 1   London        170          164
## 2   London        176          158
## 3   London        179          157
## 4   London        166          158
## 5   London        177          153
## 6   London        177          155
## 7   London        173          151
## 8   London        173          155
## 9   London        173          159
## 10  London        171          158
## 11  London        173          166
## 12  London        171          156
## 13  London        172          157
## 14  London        175          159
## 15  London        179          156
## 16 Bristol        175          156
## 17 Bristol        173          156
## 18 Bristol        171          155
## 19 Bristol        172          158
## 20 Bristol        185          158
## 21 Bristol        176          153
## 22 Bristol        173          158
## 23 Bristol        173          156
## 24 Bristol        177          156
## 25 Bristol        172          159
## 26 Bristol        169          162
## 27 Bristol        177          167
## 28 Bristol        171          157
## 29 Bristol        175          166
## 30 Bristol        171          155

I would like to make a boxplot, but it is not possible to easily do it with the data arranged in this format. What I need to do is “unpack” or rearrange the data to add another column for sex. This will make the data frame twice as long, and less wide.

There is a convenient function called pivot_longer in the tidyr package that will do this for you. You can “pipe” data into the function, then tell it which columns you would like to move, and then give it the name of the new column that contains data that was in the column heading, and the name of the column containing the data.

newHeights <- heights %>%
    cols = c(heightMale, heightFemale),
    names_to = c("Sex"), values_to = "Height"

## # A tibble: 60 × 3
##    place  Sex          Height
##    <chr>  <chr>         <int>
##  1 London heightMale      170
##  2 London heightFemale    164
##  3 London heightMale      176
##  4 London heightFemale    158
##  5 London heightMale      179
##  6 London heightFemale    157
##  7 London heightMale      166
##  8 London heightFemale    158
##  9 London heightMale      177
## 10 London heightFemale    153
## # ℹ 50 more rows

We are nearly done. But this is not perfect because the names in the Sex column are not right. We can fix this in a couple ways. Here’s one easy way using the function gsub. The gsub function (“general substution) finds text and replaces it with other text. In this case we want to find”height” and replace it with nothing (““).

So we can now complete the job with a mutate command, and make sure it is recognised as a categorical variable (a factor, like this:

newHeights <- heights %>%
    cols = c(heightMale, heightFemale),
    names_to = c("Sex"), values_to = "Height"
  ) %>%
  mutate(Sex = gsub(
    pattern = "height", replacement = "",
    x = Sex
  )) %>%
  mutate(Sex = as.factor(Sex))

## # A tibble: 60 × 3
##    place  Sex    Height
##    <chr>  <fct>   <int>
##  1 London Male      170
##  2 London Female    164
##  3 London Male      176
##  4 London Female    158
##  5 London Male      179
##  6 London Female    157
##  7 London Male      166
##  8 London Female    158
##  9 London Male      177
## 10 London Female    153
## # ℹ 50 more rows

Now we can plot those data more easily

plot(newHeights$Sex, newHeights$Height)

This data manipulation is useful surprisingly often.

8.3 Exercise: Temperature effects on egg laying dates

Data have been collected on great tits (musvit) at SDU for several years. Your task today is to analyse these data to answer the question: is egg laying date associated with spring temperature? The idea here is that warmer springs will lead to delayed egg laying which could have negative consequences to the population if their caterpillar food source doesn’t keep pace with the change.

You are provided with two data sets: one on the birds and another on weather. You will need to process these using tools in the dplyr package, and combine them (using left_join) for analysis.

The first data set, eggDates.csv, is data from the SDU birds project. The data are arranged in columns where each column is a year and each row is a nest. The data in each column is the day of the year that the first egg in the nest was laid.

These data do NOT fulfil the “tidy data” standard where each variable gets a column. In this case,a single variable (first egg date) gets many columns (one for each year), and column headers are data (the years). The data will need to be processed before you can analyse it.

You will need to use pivot_longer to fix this issue so that you produce a version of the data with three columns - nestNumber, Year and dayNumber.

The second dataset, AarslevTemperature.csv, is a weather dataset from Årslev near Odense. This dataset includes daily temperatures records for several years. You will need to summarise this data to obtain a small dataset that has the weather of interest - average temperature in the months of February to April for each year.

To answer the question, you will need to join these data sets together.

  1. Import the data and take a look at it with head or str.

  2. Use pivot_longer to reformat the data. This might take a bit of trial and error - don’t give up!

Maybe this will help: The first argument in the pivot_longer command (cols) tells R which columns contain the data you are interested in (in this case, these are y2013,y2014 etc). Then the names_to argument tells R what you want to name the new column from this data (in this case, Year). Then, the values_to argument tells R what the data column should be called (e.g. Day). In addition, there is a useful argument called names_prefix that will remove the part of the column name (e.g. the y of y2013)

You should also make sure that the Year column is recognised as being a numeric variable rather than a character string. You can do this by adding a command using mutate and as.numeric, like this mutate(Year = as.numeric(Year))

You should end up with a dataset with three columns as described above.

  1. Calculate the mean egg date per year using summarise (remember to group_by the year first). Take a look at the data.

  2. Import the weather data and take a look at it with head or str.

  3. Use filter subset to the months of interest (February-April) and then summarise the data to calculate the mean temperature in this period (remember to group_by year). Look at the data. You should end up with a dataset with two columns - year and meanSpringTemp.

  4. Join the two datasets together using left_join. You should now have a dataset with columns nestNumber, Year, dayNumber and meanAprilTemp

  5. plot a graph of meanAprilTemp on the x-axis and dayNumber on the y-axis.

Now you should be able to answer the question we started with: is laying date associated with spring temperatures.