Calculates a 'shape' value of distribution of reproduction over age by comparing the area under a cumulative reproduction curve (over age) with the area under a cumulative function describing constant reproduction.
shape_rep(rep, surv = NULL, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL, ...)
Either 1) a numeric vector describing reproduction over age (mx),
2) a data.frame
/ list
with one column / element titled 'mx'
describing a reproduction over age, optionally a column / element 'x'
containing age classes (each element a number representing the age at the
start of the class), or 3) a matrix, specifically the reproduction
submatrix (e.g. F matrix) of a matrix population model. If rep
provided as a matrix, then surv
must be provided as the U submatrix
of the matrix population model.
In case (2), if x is not supplied, the function will assume age classes
starting at 0 with time steps of unit. If x ends at maximum longevity,
should equal 0; however it is possible to supply
partial reproduction schedules.
An optional argument to be used if rep is provided as a matrix
(the reproduction submatrix of the matrix population model.) If rep
is provided as a matrix, then surv
should also be provided as a the
U submatrix of the matrix population model.
The minimum and maximum age respectively over which to
evaluate shape. If not given, these default to min(x)
Additional variables passed to `mpm_to_mx` when the data are provided as matrices.
a shape value describing symmetry of reproduction over age by comparing the area under a cumulative reproduction curve over age with the area under constant reproduction. May take any real value between -0.5 and +0.5. A value of 0 indicates negligible ageing (neither generally increasing nor generally decreasing reproduction with age); positive values indicate senescence (generally decreasing reproduction with age); negative values indicate negative senescence (generally increasing reproduction with age). A value of +0.5 indicates that (hypothetically) all individuals are born to individuals of age 0; a value of -0.5 indicates that all individuals are born at the age of maximum longevity.
Wrycza, T.F. and Baudisch, A., 2014. The pace of aging: Intrinsic time scales in demography. Demographic Research, 30, pp.1571-1590. <doi:10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.57>
Baudisch, A. 2011, The pace and shape of ageing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 375-382. <doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00087.x>
Baudisch, A, Stott, I. 2019. A pace and shape perspective on fertility. Methods Ecol Evol. 10: 1941– 1951. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13289>
Other life history traits:
# increasing mx yields negative shape
mx <- c(0, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
#> [1] -0.05555556
# decreasing mx yields positive shape
mx <- c(1.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4)
#> [1] 0.07142857
# constant mx yields shape = 0
mx <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#> [1] 0
# calculate mx trajectory first
mpm_to_mx(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF)
#> [1] 0.00000 0.00000 9.54125 19.49277 24.83256 26.79977
# providing the matrices directly
shape_rep(rep = mpm1$matF, surv = mpm1$matU)
#> [1] -0.0946246